Well of Life

Life is simple

Souls are regenerated each time when they are connected to things that enrich them like a melodius music, a good book or simply remeeting a close friend that connects the heart.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Small Can Life Be?

The point of realizing your own mortality rate is the point of reviewing and reflecting what you have done upon your fragile life.

Facing death is not a big matter but to most, feared death for it not only saps away happiness but also leaves a gravemark for those behind. Death is unevitable as it so brings gloom and doom to those who witness and gone through with it. No matter what life it claims, it brings a remark to those around it, understanding and realizing how weak and fragile life is.

For this, should we not be embracing the one who we love gracefully and deeply so that we shall have no remorse or deepest regret in the upcoming events of life?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Silence is Haven

Tranquility speaks for itself.

The sound of machines deafens our senses and heat of sun-striking the earth burn our spirits and passion for life to ash. Meeting the same old faces, working the same old jobs and sitting in the same old place mirrored a soulless life. Repetitive work of the same kind seems to drain all man dry from the nutrient-enriched what you called love. Money has enslaved man to work like no tomorrow.

Perhaps a wake of reality should be called out to clear out the fog of confusion and cut the strings of manipulation in the world of only materialism and criticism.What man should really indulge in is the warmth and sweetness of the home. For home is full-packed with laughter of joyful children and the caring of a wife to tend every needs. Your parents too who had loved you for all eternity plus the eagerness of your family dog wagging its tail to welcome its master home.

In the end, the real sanctuary is at home for tranquility is there.

Endless Work

Push all out to finish the work given at hand and yet still unfinish...

What a let down when all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Constrained in tight spaces and a cubed-room that is all surrounding you for all-day long. Lack of well-ventilated air system and poor hygience really "add" to savour the taste of lifeless work.

Really, is working all the thing we humans should have when we aged?
Well, time to get going again. Work!!!


Time shortens and heightens at the same rate at the point when you really need an extra income for multi-purposes.

Time shortens for self-indulging activities, in short, no time for personal activities, while time heightens for working only...earning more for upcoming events that rarely to be predicted for their outcomes.

Life really depicts our full contributions to achieve something that means a lot to all of us.
Well, it's time to work again...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

To Be Different, You Must Accept Pain

Normally, people tend to sigh, shout, and moan when they are subjected to pain.
Pain brings realization to our own mortality. In the midst of pursuing materials and possessions, we humans neglect and erase humanity from our veins in order to bring out the most focus to achieve what is the best for us. For that, we too often forget who we are. We lost our identity and ourselves in the pursuit.
We feel that we can achieve the most unachievable tasks, we can climb the most unreachable summit, and we can cross the raging storms and violent seas. That very point is the sense of our consciousness awakening because when we are at the peak, we will be tested.
Obstacles, boulders or anything that you signify as challenges, will and force to put you down to the earth. You will be dealt with pain, despair and agony. That will be the very point of realizing your own mortality. You will come to a wake of your own possible capabilities.
For those who survive the test, their levels have been heightened. They tend to grow stronger than before and better than before for not only they have gain new experiences but also new skills to cope with and overcome with. They have evolved.
Pain is nothing comparable if you wish to truly experience something far from anything ordinary and the ability to change.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Deadliest Of All
The path one’s life will take is a mystery. The mark on history that one will leave is unknown. Life has many twists and turns, ups and downs, starts and stops; but regardless of the path a man’s individual journey has taken, death will always be there at the end. You can ask how, or who, or why, or when, but the only constant across all of the human lives who have come and gone is that time will always lead you to that death. It may be caused by the subjects of this list, it may not; but time will always lead you to the end of your life. Death can be hastened or delayed, but cannot be avoided. Time is the single constant found in this list, the vessel which death has summoned to carry out its purpose. Regardless of how or why one lives one’s life, at some moment in time, we will all find death.

It's Not to Much to Ask, Is It?

Feel the warmth that envelops the frozen snowflakes during the winter?
Yes, everything seems so sarcastic at sight but if you try to feel with your heart, you will see a whole new perspective. You are not what you see. You need to feel it and experience it. Got that?
Images that first appear to be clouded in mist will project clues for next. That is where intuition comes in to get the “clues”. We all have it at some point that we call it the flow. It guides us when we seem to be lost in our life. We don’t always get a good start at everything we do. So this serves as a compass for us for where it begins.
Sometimes intuition is better than direct approach, if you know what it means. Intuition which is so much stronger in nature which helps to redirect in a different way than a direct one will always makes things more unique because it always embark on a different approach.
So what makes the snow to feel so warm when it chills to the spine at the same time? The point is in your heart. You will feel the warmth when you know it’s a festive season where people cuddle up and celebrate together after a long whole year of work.
Don’t give your cold shoulder to others but instead share your warmth with others. Who knows you will be treated the same way or better instead? Possibilities are unknown.